Issue 24. February 2025



February 2025 - Issue No. 24


Sessions held every Tuesday afternoon, Eastfield Community Centre 1:30pm.



Welcome to Chatty Crafters monthly newsletter. Our aim is to keep our members informed of up and coming events.

Birthday wishes this month go to: Josie and also to Joan.


Gardening Section


January saw Storm Eowyn causing havoc through the country. Our very own centre did not miss the fierceness as the storm caused one of our trees at the front to break and fall over posing a danger.

A very BIG THANK YOU goes to Dougie for coming to the rescue and attending promptly with chain saw to make safe.



Tuesday 4th - Lucy from LFH will be offering hand massages on a regular basis.

Friday 7th - 11.45 am – Line dancing class will start up in the Centre each week. Class will be taught by Pat Brown and will cost £3.00 per session. All welcome.



Also on the agenda was a lovely afternoon tea (on the 22nd) to honour the bard himself Rabbie Burns. 


Special thanks to Ann Crawford for reciting the Selkirk Grace and also doing “the spread”(and shortbread), Margaret Hendry for her delicious clootie dumpling and Mary Cassidy for the  finishing touches to the hall with tartan bunting, lovely table cloths and lights.


Sharon Stevens on Guitar

January seems to have been and gone in a flash.  However we did manage to start the year with a welcome buffet and  enjoyable entertainment was provided by Sharon Stevens on guitar. [We had a rer-ter about the dance floor]



As we no longer have hall staff we ask that everyone assist in wiping/moving tables/ chairs and clearing up at the end of each session.
Thank you.