Issue 25. March 2025



March 2025 - Issue No. 25


Sessions held every Tuesday afternoon, Eastfield Community Centre 1:30pm.



Welcome to Chatty Crafters monthly newsletter. Our aim is to keep our members informed of up and coming events.

Birthday wishes this month are for Rena.


Gardening Section


If anyone wishes to try their hand at gardening, we have some raised beds still available for rent of £20 per year. Please speak to a member of the committee if you are interested in obtaining one.




Lucy from LFH = hand massages

11th March -  Lunch at Equis (Cambuslang)


8th and 15th – 2 session workshop with Connie for Easter Bonnet making.

An outing/day trip will be organised hopefully sometime in June. Proposals at the moment are for the Transport Museum, Kelvingrove Art galleries or a trip on the Waverley. These will be given due consideration but if you have any other suggestions please voice your choice to any committee member.


More News

Throughout the year we have seen a steady increase in numbers. We would ask everyone to make new members feel welcome. It can be quite daunting when first coming into our group as for some people this may be their only social contact and they may be unsure of protocol. We encourage people to move around the hall and interact with others.  This can be quite pleasant for all. 

A reminder also that our club time is as follows:

1.30 pm to 3.30 pm.

As Chatty Crafters hire/pay for the hall within this time slot we would ask that you ensure arrival no earlier than 1.15 pm and that carers attending should also be made aware of this.

(We understand that for some members using  public transport can be unreliable and judging times a "hit-or-a-miss") 

Thank you.


Our jewellery workshop with Sharon ran out of time but Sharon agreed to return (Tues 4th March) to finish off our necklaces, etc.

Pamela’s ‘needle felting’ in November also proved to be a 2 session workshop. Pamela hopes to do the second session sometime in March, either in person or by conducting the group via a Zoom session. Further update to follow on this.


As we no longer have hall staff we ask that everyone assist in wiping/moving tables/ chairs and clearing up at the end of each session.
Thank you.