
Issue 03. MAY 2023



Welcome to Chatty Crafters monthly newsletter.

Our aim is to keep our members informed of up and coming events.

The visit to Youth Café in Edinburgh on 6th April was very successful. The Youth members  were delighted to engage in the skills our members were offering.  These included, knitting, sewing, crochet and card making.

They in return had our members interacting in a Tik Tok – bringing us up to speed with today’s mobile phone technology. We look forward to their future visit to Eastfield where hopefully more youngsters will be interested in the skills we have to offer. Workshop date will hopefully be around August. 


Birthday wishes to Helen  who celebrates her birthday this month in May, and to Janice who celebrates her birthday also in May. 

Community Garden.

 David, our garden specialist from L.E.A.P, will be guiding us through building up our garden and in particular will be doing a Herb Kitchen Garden workshop – date and time to be advised.

We have already picked fresh leeks from last year’s planting and these were made available to the members at the A.G.M.

Chatty Crafters raised bed so far has Lemon Balm, Sage, Strawberries, Brussel Sprouts and we are preparing seed trays. We have planted wheat in one of our beds as part of the ‘slice soil’ project.

Any volunteers to help in the garden would be most welcome.

 Forthcoming events -


23rd - Afternoon tea – Orient Express Experience, Edinburgh.

Bus leaves from Eastfield at 12.00 pm. Afternoon tea at 2 pm.

Bus pick us back up in Leith at 5.00 pm, returning to Eastfield Community Centre.


13th – Flower Arranging session  and   20th - Basket weaving session


Propose going to Rutherglen Town Hall on Sat 15th July to see ‘The Steamie’ so please voice your interest asap so we can arrange.


Enquiries ongoing , ie bird feeder etc. including a Kitchen Herb Garden and names are being collected to confirm interest.

We now have available a sewing machine and anyone interested in using it is most welcome.  If you wish to learn how to use the sewing machine we have some members willing to assist in showing the basics including how to thread up and fill the spools, etc.

WANTED – Another project suggested is the making of wind chimes and we are looking for any old keys that you may have lying around and don’t have a use for.  Please bring along to the class.



The AGM was held on 18th April and Committee members re- elected.

This included Carol Loch as Chairperson, Anne Crawford as Vice-Chairperson, Margaret Hendry as Treasurer, with Linda Smith, Jane Dick and Isabel Thornton making up the rest of the Committee.

Issue 02. APRIL 2023



Welcome to Chatty Crafters monthly newsletter.

Our aim is to keep our members informed of up and coming events.


Easter Bonnets

Some of our members have been busy putting our crafting supplies to good use by decorating Easter Bonnets.

Birthday wishes to Fiona who celebrated her birthday.


Community Garden.

Dave visited AND gave a talk on Sensory Gardens.
Sensory gardens are outdoor Spaces designed to be both mentally stimulating while bringing a Feeling of calm and relaxation. They are designed to stimulate all of the five senses - sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. The layout is also important as is the texture of the plant. We now have ‘loads’ of soil delivered and the plant boxes are ready for use.

Forthcoming Events -

Thurs 6th April – A small group of our members will be going through to Edinburgh for Inter Generation Day to a Youth Café where we will be teaching some basic knitting, crochet, card making, etc.

Afternoon tea – Orient Express Experience, Edinburgh.
We have now been able to book a bus for Tuesday 23rd May.
Bus will leave from Eastfield at 12.30 pm (afternoon tea is booked for
2 pm). Bus will pick us back up in Leith at 5.00 pm. Numbers need to be
confirmed so please let Carol know asap.

Enquiries are being made as to getting a tutor in to do a workshop on a variety of activities, i.e. basket weaving, bird feeder etc. including a Kitchen Herb Garden and names are being collected to confirm interest.
Date – to be confirmed.
A Flower Arranging session has been booked for 13th June. -

Details to follow.

Issue 01. MARCH 2023

Welcome to the first Chatty Crafters monthly newsletter. 
Our aim is to keep our members informed of up and coming events.

Firstly, Congratulations to Lyn who celebrated her 80th Birthday.

A cake was produced and well wishes given.






The Chatty Crafters would like to take this opportunity to pass on their good wishes to Pamela and her family on making the move to Millport.

We look forward to seeing her again on visits to her family.


28th February saw our members being treated to a ‘Pensioners Fish Tea’ at Equi’s, Drumsaggart, and was enjoyed by all.

Our outdoor garden is now beginning to show the benefits of the many seeds planted and should soon have an array colourful show of flowers.

Tea in hall sponsored by ASDA – date to be confirmed.

Afternoon tea on Train at Edinburgh – date to be confirmed. [Meet at Eastfield Community hall where bus will collect everyone
and drive through to Edinburgh for afternoon tea with time for shopping. Bus will return and take everyone back to hall.]

Reminder to all car users that as the car park is quite small the community staff would appreciate that you show due diligence when parking as there has been occasions when people have been unable to get back out of the car park due to someone else blocking their way.
Should the car park be full we would appreciate if you then use the on street parking available.

ASDA Sponsorship –
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Liz at ASDA for all her hard work/sponsorship over this past year, and well done for being a finalist in ASDA’s nominations.